Muna Mire is trying in Brooklyn.

12:15PM With a start, I remember I said I would do Enormous Eye today for Amy if I wasn’t in Michigan. I’m not in Michigan. Shit.

12:18 I text Izzy. She doesn’t text me back. I remember her phone’s screen is shattered. I message Anwar and he doesn’t get back to me.

12:25 I get a text from Shilpa. She’s coming to town. She’s gonna have a car. Awwww yeah. We’re gunna be cruising around this dumb city in relative style and easeeee. Soon come.

12:33 I’m on the couch, glued to my phone deeeep into the Melissa Harris Perry hashtag on Twitter. I am in shock. I was her intern, my first job in the city. She’s a really generous human and the open letter she wrote made me feel queasy. I check for the reactions of all the Black journalists I know and love and read. They make me feel a bit better.

12:35 I realize I’ve been wearing the same sweatshirt (it’s comfy and fly!) for two days. I slept in it. I need to change. I reheat my coffee instead. I’m behind on Tyler’s Snapchat reality tv show. I’ve missed a couple of episodes and it’s time to catch up. It’s really pretty entertaining. (Tyler’s handle is @abolishme).

12:45 Izzy texts me back. I’m laughing out loud at Tyler’s UPS struggles which figure prominently in this episode’s plot. I think Jenny made a cameo in this episode too! Everyone is so cute, I don’t understand why we’re not all on television. I’d watch the shit out of us.

12:50 I get a text from Lena and then one from Nadia, reminding me we’re all hanging out this afternoon.

1:05 I’m still watching the reality tv show. It’s just like: stuff that I already know happened IRL captured from various vantage points with a phone. Trippy. Ronika is in this episode. She just left the city for good. I texted her goodbye this morning. Leaving New York is crazy because everyone talks about it and no one does it. She dipped the fuck out though.

1:17 Youtube autoplays a video of DIY embroidered tights after the show ends. What. I heat up some leftover Indian food.

2:15 I drag myself off the couch and head over to meet Lena. I think I’ve been watching The Simpsons for an hour. How did that happen?

2:20 I put on makeup and check the weather. It’s better than yesterday, warmer. It takes me 14 years to leave the apartment.

2:30 It’s nice outside! Why am I always late to everything? Is there something in me which resists crossing the boundary into ‘outside’? Outside is fine, I just always forget that.

3:30 I’m with Phoenix, Lena and Nadia. It’s a laptop party but we’re just talking shit instead of working. I am not writing anything except this entry.

4:00 I discuss a weird tongue thing I’ve been having with the group at length. Web MD is useless.

6:30 Got some work done. Now rewarding ourselves with old fashioneds.

6:45 Nadia is practicing a song she will perform for her friends who will be married soon. She arranged it. She’s so gorgeous and talented I could puke everywhere.

7:00 Watching the ‘Work’ video with Nadia. I whine for a minute about how I don’t get to buss a wine no more. I miss dancehall culture. I think it’s localized to Crown Heights mostly, but I’m never there. I make a mental note to change this.

7:30 We transition to YouTube clips of Hamilton and lament how utterly inaccessible Broadway is. Would give up my first born for a seat.

8:00 I should head home. Bae is there and I feel tired and content.

11:00 I lingered. Finally heading home.

11:20 Oh my god there is a Dominoes pizza at home. Bae is psychic.

12:15 I’m going to bed in the same sweatshirt and bae’s shorts. I’m laughing to myself because fabulous is a state of mind.